Recommended Reading:
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth -Ina May Gaskin
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth -Henci Goer
Birthing From Within -Pam England
Pushed -Jennifer Block
The Birth Book -William & Martha Sears
Spiritual Midwifery -Ina May Gaskin
The Birth Partner -Penny Simkin
Mothers and Midwives -Sheryl Rivett
The Breastfeeding Book -William & Martha Sears
Birth Affirmations
Recommended Videos:
Healthy Birth Your Way - Intro
Let Labor Begin On Its Own - Step 1 of 6
Walk, Move, and Change Positions - Step 2 of 6
Have Continuous Support - Step 3 of 6
Avoid Unnecessary Interventions - Step 4 of 6
Get Upright and Follow Urges to Push - Step 5 of 6
Keep Your Baby With You After Birth - Step 6 of 6
Birth Images from Ancient Times - The Timeless Way
Changes in Birth Practices - The Timeless Way
Movie Clips from "The Business of Being Born"
Doula Organizations:
DONA (Doula's of North America)
DACO (Doula's of Central Oklahoma)
Local Resources:
VBAC Information (Vaginal Birth After C-section)
Birth Matters (Childbirth Education)
Oklahoma La Leche League (Breastfeeding Support)
Oklahoma BirthNetwork (Grassroots Advocacy)
Cloth Diapering Classes
Babywearing Classes