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Henna & Blessingway Ceremonies


I offer premium henna body art services for expectant mothers. Appointments can either be private, or can be organized as part of a larger group event that is celebrated along with close friends who will also have henna applied to them as a symbolic kinship with the mother-to-be. 


In certain cultures, it is believed that applying henna designs to the belly during the latter part of a pregnancy will protect and bless the mother and child during the difficulties of labor.


My rate is $90.00 for a private 2 hour session and $250.00 for a Blessingway Henna Package which includes henna on up to 15 guests. Travel fees may apply. 



Interviews I did on henna in pregnancy: 

"The one tattoo you can get in pregnancy" News Article Pt. 1

"The one tattoo you can get in pregnancy" News Article Pt. 2




Henna Art Portfolio


© 2014-2017 by Spirited Birth, LLC

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